FSO Erawan External Turret

Scope of Work
Under contract to IHI Corporation, SOFEC was responsible for the design and construction of an external turret system and flexible riser system. SOFEC’s responsibilities included the design of the subsea pile-based pipeline end manifold (PLEM) and turret support structure (TSS).
The work included the delivery of a new-build FSO (based on a duplicate copy of the recently supplied Vietsovpetro 01 FSO hull and TSS structure) for replacement of the existing Erawan FSO located in the Gulf of Thailand.
The SOFEC turret system is ABS classed.

General Description
Client Name: | Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production, Ltd, |
Contract Award: | January 2011 |
Installation Date: | June 2012 |
First Oil: | July 2012 |
Vessel Size: | 150,000 dwt |
Storage Capacity: | 1,000,000 bbls |
Water Depth: | 60m (196.8ft) |
Fabrication: | Turret - China Vessel - Japan |
Design Environmental Criteria
100-year storm
Sig. Wave Height: | 7.4m (24ft) |
Wind Velocity: | 27.3m/s (53.5 kts) (1-hr mean) |
Current: | 1.1m/s (2.12 kts) |
Fluid Swivel Assembly
Condensate: 1 x 10-in. 699# in-line swivel
Water Export: 1 x 6-in. 600# toroidal swivel
Bypass Condensate / Crude Oil Import: 1 x 6-in. 600# toroidal swivel
Low Voltage Slip Ring
Riser System
1 x 10-in. Erawan condensate
1 x 6-in. Gas II condensate / crude oil import
1 x 6-in. Water export