As mooring solutions specialists, our expertise runs deep. Our resource center offers helpful links to SOFEC’s corporate brochures, videos and animations, press releases and whitepapers.
White Papers
- 2020 BVMagazine_SOFEC Inc – Mooring Solution Specialist
- 2017 OTC-27938-Integrity Monitoring Inspection and Maintenance of FPSO Turret Mooring Systems
- 2017 SNAME – Revisiting Global Response of FPSOs Shallow Water and Riser Analysis Requirements
- 2017 OTC 27938 – Integrity Monitoring Inspection and Maintenance of FPSO Turret Mooring Systems
- 2015 OTC 26058 Stationkeeping Technology for Frontier Deepwater Floating Systems
- 2014 SNAME On the Challenges of Analysis and Design of Turret Moored FPSOs in Squalls
- 2014 OMAE – 24401 – Mooring System Monitoring using DGPSFINAL
- 2013 Four-Parameter Weibull Probability Distribution with Figures
- 2013 Empirical Estimation of Prob Distribution of Ext Responses of Turret Moored FPSOs
- 2012 OMAE 83633 Response-Based Analysis of FPSO Systems for Squall Loadings
- 2012 FEDSM 72477 App of Semi-Empirical Probability Distributions in Wave-Structure Interaction Problems
- 2011 OMAE – 49855 – Response of FPSO System to Squalls
- 2011 ISOPE – Empirical Moment-based Estimation of Rayleigh-Stokes Distribution Parameters
- 2010 OTC 21012 Anchor Leg System Integrity – from Design through Service Life 2010 SNAME NTR037
- 2010 OTC 20833 Analysis Design and Installation of Polyester Rope Mooring System in Deep Water
- 2009 OMAE 80212 Linearization Quad Drag Est CALM Pitch Motion in F-D Exp Validation
- 2009 IWAOH – Integration of Model Tests and Numerical Analysis for Deepwater FPSOs
- 2008 OMAE 57632 Low Frequency Domain Calculations of Moored Vessel Motion including LF Effect
- 2008 KSOE Mooring Cost Sensitivity Study Based on Cost-Optimum Mooring Design
- 2007 OMEA Mooring Cost Optimization Via Harmony Search
- 2007 ISOPE The Exact Solutions of Tower Yoke Mooring Systems
- 2007 ISOPE Derivation of CALM Buoy Coupled Motion RAOs in Frequency Domain
- 2007 FSI Numerical Modeling of Disc Turret Mooring Systems
- 2006 OWA Spread Moored or Turret Moored FPSOs for Deepwater Field Developments
- 2006 OA On the Execution of a Fast-Track Disconnectable FPSO
- 2006 ISOPE Prediction of DW Oil Offloading Buoy Response
- 2005 OMAE 67119 Analysis of Duplex Yoke Mooring System for Tandem Offloading of LNG
- 2005 ISOPE Coupled Analysis of DW Oil Offloading Buoy and Experimental Verification
- 2005 FSI The Dynamics of DW Offloading Buoys
- 2004 SNAME Fixed Versus Disconnectable Turret System
- 2004 OWA Hydrodynamic and Structural Design Challenges in Benign Areas
- 2004 OTC 16720 Global Analysis of Shallow Water FPSOs
- 2004 OTC 16710 Full Field – Early Production in Ultra DW
- 2004 DOT Understanding Fatigue for Deepwater Mooring Systems
- 2004 AIChE LNG VII LNG Tandem Offloading System
- 2003 Upstream VLT Article
- 2003 OWA Economic Comparison Between Oil and LNG for Decision Making to Evaluate DW WA
- 2003 OWA A New Solution for FP In Ultra Deep Water DP_FPSO
- 2003 OTC 15069 The VLT–A Single Point Mooring for 100 Risers
- 2003 OMAE On Second-Order Roll Motions of Ships
- 2003 Offshore Engineer VLT Article – Magazine Reprint
- 2003 Offshore Engineer VLT Article
- 2003 MTS – Design Aspects of DP System for FPSO Apps in GOM
- 2003 ISOPE DP FPSO – A Fully Dynamically Positioned FPSO for Ultra Deep Waters
- 2003 IMS FPSOs for the Gulf of Mexico (Abstract)
- 2003 FMC LNG Tandem Offloading System – AIChE
- 2003 FF2 Case Study DP FPSO
- 2003 DPC – Design Aspects of a DP System for FPSO Applications in the GOM
- 2003 DOT – Case Study – An FPSO with DP for DW Applications
- 2002 OWA – FPSO Mooring and Offloading System Alternatives for Deepwater West Africa
- 2002 OTC 14192 Greenwater Evaluation for FPSOs in the GOM
- 2002 OTC 14154 Riser System Selection and Design for a Deepwater FSO in the GOM
- 2002 OSEA – Fixed Versus Disconnectable Turret System – Final
- 2002 OMAE 28376 Effective Riser Solutions for a Deepwater FPSO
- 2002 IBC Introduction of the VLT Abstract
- 2002 How Design Effective EHS Mgmt Sys for Risk Reduction Performance
- 2002 Construction of a VLT Abstract Marine Construction
- 2001 OWA A New Deepwater Tanker Loading System for West Africa
- 2001 OTC 13020 The Terra Nova Turret Mooring System
- 2001 OMAE01-1167 Dynamics of Suspended Flowlines
- 2001 OMAE 1194 TLR System An Effective Solution for Deepwater Risers
- 2001 A Comparison between Turret and Spread Moored F(P)SOs for DW Field Dev
- 2000 OTC 12147 Extreme Responses of Turret Moored Tankers
- 2000 OTC 11914 Global Analysis of the Terra Nova FPSO Turret Mooring System
- 2000 ISOPE Terra Nova FPSO – Integration of Model Tests and Global Analysis
- 1998 FSO to Feature Simultaneous Offloading of Two Tankers
- 1997 The Barracuda and Albacora FPSOs – Turrets of Brazils Campos Basin
- 1997 OTC 8269 Numerical Test Tank
- 1997 Design and Evaluation of FPSO Systems for Decommissioning and Reuse
- 1996 The Nigerian Escravos Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG FSO Project
- 1996 The Future of Floating Production
- 1995 OTC 7696 Turret Moorings for Extreme Design Conditions
- 1994 Why the Disconnectable Turret Makes Sense in Typhoon Corridors
- 1994 OTC 7442 Install, Testing and Comm of a Disc Turret Moored FSOU in a Typhoon-Prone Area
- 1994 Disconnectable Turret Moored FSOU at Lufeng 13-1 Field
- 1993 Design-Construction of a Disconnectable Turret Mooring for an FSO in the South China Sea
- 1992 Surge Drift Motion of a Moored Vessel in Random Waves
- 1992 Optimization of a Disconnectable Turret Mooring System
- 1992 Kinematics of 2-D Transient Water Waves Using Laser Doppler Anemometry
- 1992 A Single Point Mooring for Direct Pump-Out of Hopper Dredges
- 1991 Experimental Investigation of Wave Drift Damping and Slow Drift Motion in Bi-Frequency Domain
- 1990 OTC 6364 Experimental Study of Kinematics of Large Transient Wave in 2-D Wave Tank
- 1988 Turret Mooring Completes World’s Largest FSO System
- 1988 OTC 5751 An OPDS Application of Commercial Technology to Military Operational Requirements
- 1986 OTC 5253 A Rapid Deployment Tanker Loading System
- 1986 A Mobile Single Point Mooring for Extended Well Testing
- 1983 Marginal Field – EP – Options for Offshore Offloading
- 1982 The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port
- 1982 SPE 11173 Installation of the Fulmar SALM and Storage Tanker
- 1982 OSEA Tembungo Salm – Seven Years Operating Experience
- 1982 JPT Seven Years’ Experience with the First Deepwater SALM
- 1980 OTC 3804 Five Years’ Experience with the First Deepwater SALM
- 1979 OTC 3564 The First Yoke Mooring for a VLCC in the Open Ocean
- 1979 OTC 3562 The LOOP Deepwater Port – Design and Construction of the SALM Tanker Terminals
- 1978 Offshore Loading May Be Economic Solution to Baltimore Canyon Oil
- 1978 Float Systems Helps Develop Marginal Field
- 1977 SOFEC Constructs the Largest SPM Terminals in the Arabian Gulf
- 1977 OTC 2827 The Design of Single Point Moorings
- 1977 OTC 2826 The World’s Largest Single Point Mooring Terminals
- 1977 Offshore Oil Loading Facilities
- 1975 OTC 2213 Design-Fab-Install and Operation of a SALM Tanker Terminal in 300 feet of water
- 1975 Mono-Mooring Terminals
- 2018 Gastech -Selection and Optimization of FLNG Mooring Systems
- 2017_SNAME_OS_Revisiting Global Response of FPSOs in Shallow Water
- 2017 OTC 27938 Integrity Monitoring Inspection and Maintenance of FPSO Turret Mooring Systems
- 2017 OTC – Deep Water Mooring Systems
- 2015 OTC-26058-Stationkeeping Technology for Frontier Deepwater Floating Systems
- 2014 SNAME On Challenges of Analysis and Design of Turret Moored FPSOs in Squalls
- 2014 OMAE-24401 Mooring System Monitoring using DGPS
- 2014 FPSO Forum Stationkeeping Technology for Frontier Deepwater Floating Systems
- 2013 ISOPE – Empirical Estimation of Probability Distribution of Ext Reponses of Turret Moored FPSOs
- 2012 OMAE Response-Based Analysis of FPSO Systems for Squall Loadings
- 2012 FEDSM App of Semi-Empirical Probability Distributions in Wave-Structure Interactions Problems
- 2012 Deep Water Turret-Moored FPSO for West Africa
- 2012 ABS Impact of Ice Loading on Single Point Moored Production Units
- 2011 OMAE – Response of FPSO Systems to Squalls
- 2011 ISOPE – Empirical Moment-based Estimation of Rayleigh-Stokes Distribution Parameters
- 2011 Emerging FPSO Forum – FPSO Turret Mooring and Riser Systems for the GOM
- 2010 SNAME Roll motions of FPSOs
- 2010 SNAME Best Paper for OTC 2010
- 2009 OMAE 80212 Linearization of Quad Drag Est CALM Pitch Motion F-D Exp Validation
- 2009 JLOM Operator Inputs into the Design Requirement-Specifications of the Marine Loading Terminal
- 2009 ISOPE Tandem Offloading from an FLNG in Harsh Environments
- 2009 IMS Mooring Systems for Harsh Environments
- 2009 FLNG FLNG Safe Tandem Offloading of LNG in Severe Offshore Environments
- 2008 OMAE FD Calculations of Moored Vessel Motion including LF Effect
- 2008 KSOE Mooring Cost Sensitivity Study Based on Cost-Optimum Mooring Design
- 2008 DOT Design and Operational Experience Offshore NW Australia
- 2007 OMAE – Mooring Cost Optimization Via Harmony Search
- 2007 OA Operation of a Disconnectable Turret Moored FPSO
- 2007 ISOPE The Exact Solutions of Tower Yoke Mooring Systems
- 2007 ISOPE Derivation of CALM Buoy Coupled Motion RAOs in Frequency Domain
- 2007 FSI Numerical Modeling of Disc Turret Mooring Systems
- 2006 OWA Spread Moored vs Turret Moored FPSOs for Deepwater Field Developments
- 2006 OA On the Execution of a Fast-Track Disconnectable FPSO
- 2006 ISOPE Disconnectable Turret Mooring Systems for Deep Water
- 2006 GFPS Conference Keel Integrated Transfer System
- 2006 DOT – Disconnectable Turret Moored FPSOs (FMC-MODEC)
- 2006 Design Challenges for TN and RJS409
- 2005 Subsea Rio 05 – Design Installation of the Fluminese FPSO Mooring
- 2005 OMAE-05 Floating Offshore LNG Receiving and Regasification Facility for GOM
- 2005 FSI – The Dynamics of DW Offloading Buoys
- 2005 FPSO Forum B&W FPSO Station Keeping Systems – Issues & Experience
- 2004 SNAME Fixed Versus Disconnectable Turret System for FPSOs for GOM
- 2004 OTC 16720 – Global Analysis of Shallow Water FPSOs
- 2004 DOT Footprint of Fatigue
- 2004 AICHE Bishop LNG Terminal
- 2003 OWA Economic Comparison Between Oil or LNG for Decision Making in which Product to Develop from a Deepwater West Africa Field
- 2003 OCT 15069 A Single Point Mooring for 100+ Risers
- 2003 ISOPE – DP FPSO – A Fully Dynamically Positioned FPSO for Ultra Deep Waters
- 2003 IMS FPSOs for the Gulf of Mexico
- 2003 FPSO Forum FPSO Stationkeeping Systems – Issues and Experience
- 2003 FMC LNG Offloading System AIChE
- 2003 Deepwater Mooring Symposium–Definition of Metocean Criteria for FPSO Systems
- 2002 VIVARRAY JIP Orca Flex interface to VIVA
- 2002 OWA FPSO Mooring & Offloading System Alternatives for Deepwater West Africa
- 2002 OTRC Design Issues for Deepwater FPSOs
- 2002 OSEA Fixed Versus Disconnectable Turret Mooring System
- 2002 Introducing the VLT – March 2002
- 2002 Construction of a Very Large Turret (VLT) – Feb 2002
- 2001 OTC 13020 – The Terra Nova Turret Mooring System
- 2001 OMAE01-1167 Dynamics of Midwater Suspended Flowlines Presentation
- 2001 ICDEP Dynamic Risers for Deepwater Floating Production Systems Presentation
- 2001 FPSO Forum Offloading Buoys for Deep Water
- 2000 OTC 11914 Global Analysis of the Terra Nova FPSO Turret Mooring System Presentation
- 2000 ISOPE Terra Nova FPSO Integration of Model Tests and Global Analysis PPT1
- 2000 ABS Seminar FPSO Turret Mooring and Riser Systems MJK
- 1998 EP Forum Coupled Analysis of Mooring and Riser Systems
- 1997 ASME Turret Mooring of Production Vessels